Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Nah, not really, but for a few moments there it sure felt like it.

The Yanks have done it again - got everyine in the world panicking about a possible Great Depression - what with Lehman Brothers, Merryl Lynch and co showing us the way down... and to think, it all started with approving mortgages, at subprime rates, for people who could not afford them. And while the bigshots will fall back on their millions, the poor people who lose their homes will still have to pay taxes and thus, in effect, pay for the bugger ups of the guys in Wall Street - that is if Paulson gets his way with the $700 billion bail-out plan.

Then, Europe starts shaking. UK heads to a recession. Australia and Japan pump $20 billion into the money markets. Hong Kong, India, Korea and many more are on alert. Major banks the world over start publicising write downs.

Israel gets a new prime minister.
Japan gets a new prime minister.
South Africa's ruling party in effect 'fires' its president and in the space of 5 days South Africa has a new president. The finance minister (the longest serving finance minister in the world) quits. The markets dive into freefall! The currency crumbles. Then, from Washington, he says: "Nah, I am going to stay" and the currency and markets go up like a hot-air balloon on steroids - and you have to see that.

Bombs go off in India, Pakistan, Iraq.

Bush opens his mouth.

Then I remembered someone once telling me a Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. Nah, its a blessing. We are living in a time that will be critical in history books of the future.

I will leave you with an irish blessing:
As you slide down the banister of life.... may the splinters never point in the wrong direction!

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